Settle in, its story time.

 Hey y'all, I'm back ( I say as if anyone even reads this lol)

I have a story for you. buckle up my dudes, this is going to be wild. 

There once was a family of rabbits who lived in a hole in the ground. One day, bobby Jo rabbit woke up and didn't feel very good, and mommy rabbit was very concerned and took him to the doctor. After hours of waiting bobby jo and mommy rabbit got the news that he had been poisoned by nitrates, which happens when fertilizers seep into the soil from rainfall. They decided that the stalactites in their living room burrow were dripping drops of poison on bobby Jo's favorite cabbage ball. 

   The effects of the nitrates were un-curable and bobby Jo rabbit died the next day. Mommy and papa rabbit decided that they had to move their family to somewhere farther away from the farm and higher than the water table. They didn't want any dripping of poisons on any of the other bunnies. 

    The family of rabbits went straight from the funeral of bobby jo to find their new burrow spot. When they first started digging they hit a wall of shale that they couldn't dig through, so they had to keep searching for a spot where the soil was more permeable. 

    On the hill next to the stream  across the way from the farm, they found a perfect spot to make their new home. the hill was higher than the saturated zone and the unsaturated zone was permeable enough to dig their little holes. and they all lived happier and didn't die from poison. The end. 

I hope that this teaches you to be more careful about what you put on the surface of the earth that can seek into the groundwater contaminating the drinking water for humans and animals. 
